Abby Lee

Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Does any body truly realize that this image will become an actual person who will impact life in so many various ways. Abigail has become an important part of my(Emily's) life. When this picture was taken it still didn't feel real. Who would have thought that I would be a mom at the age of 26. Especially seeing as I wasn't ever the maternal one as my Mom puts it. Recently she had a discussion with the teacher that she works with, Mr Farrell. Mr. Farrell was also my Social Studies teacher for 6th, 7th, & 8th grades. Anyway. Mr. Farrell and Mom were discussing the fact that I wasn't the most motherly of all of the girls in my family. Mr. Farrell asked didn't I have Barbies and play with those. Mom answered that yes I did have Barbies but I gave them all Mohawks, or atleast really short butch haircuts. I personally remember that it was Mary that gave the hair cuts. Either way I was definately not the most girly, motherly, young lady.

In the past 10 weeks it has become important that I am a good mom to this little bundle of joy. Abigail has grown a lot in the past 2 1/2 months. She went to the Doctors last Monday. She now weighs 10 lbs 8oz. This means that she has gained 4 lbs since birth. It also means that she now weighs approximately the same as I did at birth. Holy Cow!!! We still haven't figured out how much Jason weighed at birth but realize that Abigail probably takes after him. Additionally, Abby got her first round of shots. She holds both Jason and I personally responsible for inflicting such horredous pain to her. You could see it in her eyes.
As you can see we have been giving
Abigail some tummy time, and also letting her get some sunlight to help her process her Vitamin D, although, I am not sure if it has to be direct sunlight or if through a window will work. Plus it is always fun to post some naked baby pictures.

Abigail has been attending Day Care for the last week because I have returned to work. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing because unfortunately neither Jason nor I have a bundle of cash put aside, so money has been tight. A bad thing because it stinks to have to have someone else care for your child. They do love her over at Day Care. From what we understand, she doesn't spend a lot of time laying down. She is passed from Jody to Amy to Kelly to Kristie...and so on, all day long.
Abby is starting to have her own personality which is a lot of fun as well. We don't have the skills yet to decode all of her cries but we are getting better.


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