Abby Lee

Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Saturday Babysitting Job...

So one saturday morning, I did double duty by watching Hannah and Abby all by myself. Jason was there in the beginning but he had to go to work so he didn't participate all that much. The morning started out pretty normal with pancakes and a play session on the Elmo couch with the blanket. The following picture is from a previous visit.

After playing inside we decided that we should head outside to enjoy the winter wonderland. Hannah didn't enjoy riding in Abby's sled but did enjoy her time in the tree fort. As you can see Abby has a cool set up with chairs and a table. She puts her sled as the front door and we get to hang out in the fort watching cars pass by or even the brave pedestrians.

After spending time outside in the snow, we headed inside. We ate macaroni & cheese. Abby ate more with Hannah than I have ever seen her eat before. While watching some Dora the Explorer, Hannah and Abby decided to play with Mr. Potato Head's glasses.

Although the girls had a lot of fun by the end of the day I was thankful that Abby took a nap and Hannah got picked up. I have to admit that when Mary and Paul came to visit later on that night, I was pretty quiet and allowed everyone else to play with Abby. It was a good time, although I couldn't imagine doing that on a daily basis.



Our pictures start out with some holiday shots of Abby and Ally. The Lake family joined together in Vermont to celebrate the holiday season, missing only one member. Sue unfortunately was unable to join us in snowy Vermont because she was in sunny california. We missed her tremendously. Jeff, Becka, and Ally arrived a couple of days before christmas to spend some time with the family. Matt and Ruth arrived the night of Christmas...or maybe the day after, I forget. It was kind of a blur for me because I caught the stomach virus and was under the weather from christmas eve till the day after christmas. It was not fun. In fact I was kind of out of it for about a week. It was one of those time periods where you aren't sure if you are better or if it is going to come back. Luckily, no one else caught the bug.

There was a short overlap of time when both brothers were around. Of course Mary and Paul joined us during the day and actually stayed a couple of different nights. They only live about 20 minutes away so it is always nice for them to come visit. All in all it was a great time to get together. Although I have to admit it felt weird not to have to leave after the holiday was over...

Abby has decided that she loves Dora. She has Dora clothing and Dora toys, and this Christmas she got a Dora Table and Chairs from Nanny and her family. Her favorite part of the entire gift was the cardboard cutouts that she got to play with. She has full out conversations and enjoys making them dance.

Since we have arrived in Vermont we have had an amazing amount of snow. I believe with today's snowfall, this is the snowiest february in history for vermont. And we still have one more day due to it being a leap year. Abby enjoys the snow, especially since she has a tree fort to play in. We'll post new pictures of the tree fort soon. Perhaps even later today. She is always well bundled when she goes out even when she initially refuses her mittens...she soons sees that mittens are needed up here in the snowy tundra.

This last picture is of one of Abby's new friends. Hannah is a little bit younger than Abby but you would never be able to tell, except that she doesn't talk very much yet. Since arriving in Vermont, Hannah and Abby have gotten together twice but have plans to hang out a lot more. Hannah was very interested in the Elmo couch and also with playing under the blanket with Abby in her tent. Don't worry I have more pictures of these two to come as well. Hopefully these two will become as good friends as there Mommies are. Vivian and I have been friends for over 10 years and have kept contact regardless of her living in New Zealand, and staying in Europe for a while. Vivian married another of my friends and they now live here in Vermont!!( They have actually been in Vermont for a number of years but in the overall scheme of things, she just moved here...)


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