Abby Lee

Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Renn Fest Weekend...forever ago

OK, so I was going in order but then I got all flustered by the Halloween Post and getting done with my stuff for school. Anyway...Abby and I headed up to Maryland the weekend after her birthday to spend some time with Matt and Ruth and go to the Renn Fest. One of the highlights of my year. We left after work and arrived in MD around 9, Abby was still awake so she got to hang out with Matt and Ruth for a little while. The next day marked Abby's first experience with raking leaves. I was showering and Matt was watching Abby. I finally came out and Matt and Abby were outside playing in the leaves. I snuck out of the house and tried to get the camera without Abby noticing and although not successful I did get a couple of good pictures.

We left early to get to the Renn Fest and were pleasantly joined by Sundee, Chris and Wesley. This is Ruth's daughter and son-in-law and her grandson. It was a fun afternoon watching Abby and Wesley hang out and play. Abby also got to try on Wesley's Monkey Backpack/Leash. We are now proud owners of one because I liked it so much. I have heard a lot of debate over it but I gotta tell you. I like knowing that she is attached to me. Especially now that she doen't like holding hands as much.

Ruth--this picture is for you. Ruth and I have a long distance crush on the main piper in the band "The Rogues." He is the one on the far left with the long hair.

SO Cute, as Abby would say. Fortunately she still likes playing with rocks and isn't into boys yet.

I have a couple of more pictures of Abby's birthday cake and also Tubby, her gift from my friend Katie. Unfortunately blogger is being picky and won't let me post them right now. I'll work on it. I hope you enjoy the pictures. Matt and Ruth--Thanks for everything. I had an awesome weekend and so did Abby. We love you both!

Thursday, November 01, 2007


Quick Halloween Post

Abby got an awesome Halloween package from her cousin Ally! It included an Elmo Candy Basket...

Abby preferred to wear it as a hat. She did this all on her own. No prompting from Daddy. It was "so cute" as Abby likes to say. Abby was a dragon for Halloween. A couple of people were concerned when I told them this over the phone. Now you can see how cute our dragons are here in Henderson. There was also a huge process of us getting a costume. Halloween costumes come out in the store in August. I am not buying a costume in August...there is still two more months before the holiday. So we waited, until two weeks ago. And then every costume that I picked up in the store, Abby would say Put it Back. We went through about 8 costumes before I decided forget it. So the next week we went back and it started out the same way. Until we tried on a tiger outfit. She was going to be Tigger ( who sounds a lot like a dragon by the way). This lasted about 30 seconds until she saw the Dragon outfit...and then it was all over. She wore it around the store for a long time before I finally talked her out of it. I have to admit that I think the dragon is cuter than the tiger, but I didn't think so at the time.

The best part of this costume was when you asked Abby what a Dragon says, and she replies with a "ROARRRR" It is worth it everytime you ask her. She came out to camp on Halloween to see the kids dressed up in their costumes. She also got to hang out with her good friend Scooby-Doo (aka. Dakota)!

I hope everyone had a good Halloween. For those of you that worked at camp, I will let you know that I was a Great Big Moose for Halloween, I had a "my name is..." sticker that said FRED and my Coffee Cup got a label that said "Juice" on it. For those of you that don't work at have no idea what I am talking about.


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