Abby Lee

Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Fun with Grammy & Poppy

Grammy and Poppy have definitely saved Jason and I lately by taking Abby for an afternoon. It makes it easier for Jason and I to get things done with out the wonderful presence of our daughter. I am pretty sure that Grammy & Poppy like it too. Some days they just hang out at the house but usually they go for a walk.

Here Poppy and Abby are heading down to see our friends Bonnie & Kevin. Abby gets to ride around on the tricycle that Bonnie has available. We have to put in a big thank you to Kyle, Bonnie & Kevin's son who painted the bike that Abby now gets to use when she visits their house.

Grammy & Poppy just returned from a fun vacation in California, where unfortunately they missed the birth of Zoe, Sue's Baby. They did relive the experience by pulling out Poppy's sombrero. Abby loved it.

Abby has become much more affectionate in the last month or so. She likes to crawl up into people lap, is frequently giving hugs and spends a lot of time in our laps. Grammy & Abby spend a lot of time making faces at each other and laughing. Yesterday Grammy was complaining of how cold her hands were. Abby decided to warm them up by offering her warm belly as a place for Grammy's hands. Grammy would place her hands on Abby's belly and Abby would pull away giggling and yet, Abby kept coming back for more. Cold Hands down your shirt. The Lake kids should remember it well.


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