Abby Lee

Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Christmas in Vermont...the long awaited post

The newest Lee family traveled up to Vermont for an exciting Christmas week with the Lakes of South Hero. And boy...what a fun time was had by all. Of course Abigail was the hit of the week. As you can see she is starting to smile and become more of an individual and less of just a living doll. This picture was taken in our new apartment. Along with dealing with having a baby
that is three months old, and I(Emily) going back to work full time. We decided to move out of our house and into an apartment. You have to go where the rent is right. So in a week and a half, we packed up our entire house, I baked 8 cheesecakes--for Christmas Gifts, moved across town, with only 2 friends able to help us with the move. The apartment is the second floor of an old brick building. This is awesome but also a pain in the butt when you are trying to move a refrigerator, washer, and dryer up the flight of stairs. We are super excited about the new place though. Even though we have been living at this location for over two weeks and have yet to unpack anything. That does add up to a lot of stress. Abby is totally freaking out over the move...Yeah right. The little munchkin loves the new place. She was sick this past week though. Jason and I noticed that she was getting a cough and that the cough was getting worse. Jason took her into our doctor and was told that there was a concern that Abby might have the beginnings of RSV. RSV stands for Respitory S...... Virus. I can't remember the S. Word. It is big and long. So Anyway. Abby got some medications and was told to come back tomorrow. So I knew it was going to be difficult to give an infant medications, I just didn't realize that mostly it is your own anguish that makes it difficult. Initially Abby was taking three different medications. It was really hard to make her take things she didn't want. Although one of the medications was a type of liquid cough drops, super sweet. Abby was screaming after her ammoxicilian and didn't want us to give her anything else but when the drops hit her tongue, the crying stopped and this stunned look of ohhh that tastes good came over her face. She is finally feeling better and has started smiling more frequently. We are happy that we are almost done with her medication administration.

Additionally, Abby is a big fan of the Bears, just like her Daddy. We have frequented many different bars in the hopes that we'll be able to find one that has the NFL Sunday Ticket. Abby is more than willing to put on her beautiful smile in order to win the attention of our servers. We frequently get the compliment that Jason and I make beautiful babies. (We aren't having another for a little while...Give us a break). Just so we all know what I have been priviledged to enjoy, is the wild cheering that occurs with the AM radio channel commentary, as we drive home from whatever location we are visiting. Also being able to tell if a sports bar has the NFL Sunday Ticket from the interstate, while driving 65 MPH, is a definite accomlishment. I do enjoy watching the games on TV but have found that I don't have the attention span that is required of those die hard fans, like Jason, that can listen to a football game and actually visualize what is going on.

While we were in Vermont, Jason, Abby, Mary(my younger sister) and I went and saw the Chronicles of Narnia. A favorite from our childhood, Mary and I got to enjoy the entire movie, while Jason and Abby were enjoying the hall way outside the theater, flying(as seen in the picture below), and chilling in the back row until the crying began again.

Also during this trip, we were complimented numerous times on the blog. Apparently numerous individuals are reading this blog from Vermont and all over. Please post comments. We love hearing from people and knowing that people are checking out the site.

Things are definitely interesting having a 3 month old baby. At one point and time during the week, Jason decided he want to go hang out with Paul, Mary's boyfriend. Since I was out with my parents, he called and left me a message. I tried not to be angry and yet I was. Not because Jason had decided to go do something with Paul but because if I decide I want to do something without Abby, I have to plan ahead and I have be prepared with Milk. This lack of freedom is something that you are always conscious that you no longer have the privaledge of having but is still startling when something comes along that you didn't realize you wanted to do. I didn't really want to be a part of the action that evening but I did want to have the opportunity to be and I didn't. Many people might start thinking that I resent Abigail. I don't. I just miss the freedom of being young. I wouldn't trade this sweet thing in for all of my missed freedom though. Abigail is a beautiful and happy and healthy baby who I love deeply.

Abby is absolutely adorable! We loved meeting her over Christmas! And yes... you definitely incubate well! Congratualtions on your new apartment. :) Jeff & Becka
Thanks for commenting!

We are slowly getting things put where we want them in the apartment. We've gone from having little space to even walk from room to room, to having some wider aisles to walk through. The good thing is that we will have enough room for everything (I think), it's just getting it where it needs to go.

Jeff and Becka,
Abby enjoyed spending time with you guys too. It was fun to watch Jeff play with her. She really enjoyed that. Hmmmm, you seem to be pretty good with babies.
Jason & Emily: Even though I've known little Abby, sine birth, and occasionally get to see and hold her, I love reading the blog. I hope that you all will be sure to print all of the information about her and start a special book for her. She will enjoy reading all the fun things she did at such a young age, and didn't even realize it! Emily, keep working on the whole motherly thing, it just comes. Being a mother is one of the hardest but easiest things, we women will do in life. It has it's joyful as well as heartbreak moments, but they are all worth it. Enjoy your little bundle. They grow up fast!! She is a beautiful child...and oh yea, Jason, you are included too. Feel free to jump in anytime.
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