Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.
This week has been an eventful week. Last Friday Abby came home from day care looking healthy. By Saturday afternoon, she was puking. She continued puking the rest of Saturday night, Early Sunday morning until about 8:30 a.m. when we finally called the on-call doctor who said we should try getting her to take some pedialite to help replenish what she had lost. She took that well for a couple of hours, so we tried to feed her some milk again. This worked well until 3 o'clock in the morning, when she puked all over me again. This was the 5th or 6th time. It was probably the nastiest thing I have had to experience yet. Abby didn't go to day care on Monday, which meant I didn't go to work. I was OK with that, although trips to the doctor and puking babies aren't really relaxing. The following day, Abby went to day care and I went to work. Until about 11:00, when Amy called saying that Abby hadn't taken more than 2 oz. all morning and was screaming her head off. I could hear her over the phone. It didn't sound good. So I got to go home early. Which was a good thing because I wasn't done with my homework for class but a bad thing because I didn't have a lot of time to do work things. Oh well. From what Jason says Abby was a big pain in the butt for him on Tuesday night, apparently crying the entire time I was gone. Wednesday she made it the whole day at day care, and I made it through work, although I didn't get that much done. She has moved out of the puking stage and into the liquid poop stage. Absolutely disgusting. I haven't got that all over me yet, but I am just giving it time.
Abby turned 6 months old today. She is becoming more independent daily. She is starting to form letter sounds. Our favorite is "Da, Da." We keep repeating it and pointing to Jason so that she realizes that her sound is actually his name. She is able to grasp many differen objects with ease and stick most of those items in her mouth. As you can see in the following picture, she is able to sit up on her own. It is really cute to watch her and Jason together. He enjoys playing for her and she doesn't scream or typically cry when he is playing.
She is also becoming more loving. She will lean her head against your shoulder and will smile largely when someone she knows comes into a room. She jumps up and down in her exersaucer when she thinks that someone will be picking her up. It is amazing. I am glad that she is getting over her cold. We'll take more pictures and post again soon. 6 month immunizations this week. Yuck.