Abby Lee

Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Happy 30th Birthday, Becka!!

I know that her birthday was in September, but these are some pictures from the weekend.
Back to the regularly scheduled posting.
As some of you know, Abigail and I were able to take off for a weekend of fun up in Connecticutt. It was great. We drove to Maryland on Thursday night, (early in September). After staying with Matt and Ruth for the evening; Matt, Abby, and I drove all day Friday to hang out with Jeff and Becka for her birthday. ((For those of you who don't know, all of these people are my relatives. Matt(my oldest brother) and his wife, Ruth live in MD, Jeff(my second oldest brother) and his wife, Becka live in CT.)) Jeff had scheduled a Bar-B-Q to celebrate Becka's birthday. Anyway...back to the story of the weekend. Matt, Abby, and I drove up to CT, only getting a little lost on the way in to their town. The conversation in the car went like this. "ummm, I don't know exactly where we are" "I think we are supposed to take this exit, according to the map""this doesn't look familiar." "wait, i think i know that gas station""that golf course looks familiar but I don't remember how to get to their house from here.""Isn't that the big hill before the restuarant...""What???" "keep going.""that looks familiar" We had this conversation for almost 20 minutes. With everything looking familiar. We finally arrived, without having to call for directions. Of course, no one was home so we got to hang out in their backyard. Yippee. Just kidding, it was fine. The temperature was great and they have very comfortable lawn chairs.
The party the next day was great. Grammie Linda and John(aka dad) ( we don't know what Abby is calling him yet), and aunty Mary came down from Vermont for the event. Abby was the star of the party for a little while until the triplets arrived. She really enjoyed hanging out with Mary and getting her picture taken (we will have a second installment of this blog with the picture of Mary and Abby that we took with Mary's camera)

Her second all time favorite activity of the day was walking with Dad. This picture really reminds me of the ones we have of Sue and Grandpa, at the farm in Canada. Does anyone else know what I am talking about and think so too?
This was Grammie Linda's favorite part of the entire weekend. She held Abby from the minute that she fell asleep until Mary and I went upstairs, probably over 2 hours. And Grammie loved it.
The party was fun with some darts and talking going late into the night. The next morning we all got into our respective cars and headed our ways. Some north, others south, and Abby and I driving all the way to North Carolina. It was a great trip, although short. Hopefully we can see everyone again soon. Thanks for turning 30 Becka!!

I include this picture because I think it is the funniest that we have had in a while. Abby was super tired one day and fell asleep in her feeding chair. She was knocked out. How sweet.

By the way. I don't know if we have told everyone yet but Abby is walking around like crazy. We'll post more soon. Don't worry. Also we noticed that she has 4 more teeth coming.

Sorry this was abrupt, I was supposed to be doing homework. I had to hurry!
The party was fun wasn't it? Even the rainstorm held off until the barbeque was over. The pictures are great. Yes, I remember the pic of Sue and Grandpa. She was wearing a purple checked sun dress and bonnet. That was a fun day at the farm in Mystic, Quebec. This was a fun day in CT. Can't wait to see Abby walking all over.
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