Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.
A weekend in Connecticutt started out with a painful drive. We started out on a thursday afternoon and drove up to Maryland. Abby cried the entire first two hours. It was quite painful and annoying. Luckily things got better and she stopped crying. Although it was a concern on Thursday night. Anyway. We spent Thursday night at Matt and Ruth's place in Annapolis and talked Brad (ruth's son) into driving up to Connecticutt for the weekend. It wasn't very hard. After an enjoyable evening in Maryland, we spent all day in the car on Friday. It was a pleasant drive for Jason though because he had Brad to talk music and books with. I usually spend my time doing homework. Which is what I did this time as well. We arrived in Connecticutt by 4 PM and found our hotel. It was awesome. We each had our own fireplace and everything. The first night was dinner with Jeff & Becka at the Italian restuarant. Jeff and Becka picked Ruth up at the airport and out we went for Italian. It was great food. We decided on Friday to call it an early night because the boys had stayed up late on Thursday. And we knew we were going to have fun on Saturday.
Saturday morning, Abby awoke at 7 just like usual. Ruth and I had made a plan that we were going to take the car out and go looking for a Target. After driving around for an hour and a half and not finding anything resembling a Target, we got Dunkin' Doughnuts coffee and headed back to the hotel. Mom, Dad, Mary, and Paul showed up at about 12 Noon and of course new exactly where the Target was. In the opposite manner than Ruth and I travelled. Jason and Brad went to Target to get gift bags and a couple of other things. Before too long we were on our way to Jeff and Becka's friends that were hosting the party. It was a lot of fun. Baby Lake got some amazing gifts. And I did pretty well as well. I got a couple of party gifts because I knew the answer to a bunch of questions. Go Me.
After loading up Jeff's car with fun new baby gifts, we headed over to Jeff and Becka's place to check out the nursery and hang out for a while. Amazingly enough, without any sort of plan, Abby and Baby Lake have the exact same crib and changing table. What are the chances of that. The nursery looks awesome. They have decided on a jungle theme for the nursery and a sort of ocean theme for the bath time. I personally found an awesome robe for the baby to where. It is really cool. After spending time at the house, we eventually went back to our hotel.
We light a fire in the fire place and spent the rest of the nigth talking and enjoying each others company. We obviously took some pictures and wanted to share. Unfortunately we forgot to break out the camera to capture prego Becka but hope that we can find a picture somewhere to commemerate the weekend. After a late night talking and laughing, we awoke in the morning to a good breakfast and got on the road for the long drive back. Luckily Brad was with us to help take some of the brunt of the long drive. Upon our arrival in Maryland, we attempted to call in sick but were denied. So we got back on the road and drove the final 4 hours home, getting there at about 10. What a long drive...but what a load of fun. We saw snow, we laughed a lot, and had some great italian food. Thanks for a great weekend.