Abby Lee

Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Bruise Lee

Bruise Lee is how we have affectionately been referring to Abby after this past week. Last Saturday she fell on the stairs and hit her head, resulting in large goose egg and bruise in the middle of her forehead.

The next day she tripped over a blanket and ended falling into a box and skinning her cheek. Three days later she was climbing over my back and fell face first into the carpet, giving her a nice red spot by her eye.

The worst, however, was yesterday when we were on our weekly walk around downtown Henderson--including a visit to the local library where Abby likes to play with the stuffed animals. We were two blocks from home and Abby was running along with us to keep the pace. Apparently she was going too fast to catch herself when she tripped and did a faceplant into the rough cement of the sidewalk.

I was right there and saw the fall and new it wasn't a good thing. She skinned up her forehead--right in the place where her bruise was just starting to clear up. She also skinned the top of her nose, resulting in a bloody nose. As you can see, she looked horrible. She is, however, a tough little girl and doesn't let much get in her way--even injuries. In all of her falls this week, she has only cried for a short time and has been quickly ready to get back to her play. Even on the last block before home--with skinned up face and bloody nose, she wanted to get down and walk the rest of the way.

This last picture was taken this morning. I fear this is only the beginning--especially if her childhood is anything like mine. Emily does say that we have similar temperaments, so . . .

Okay. This is the third time I've tried to leave a message at this post. Either there will be only one message (eventually) or there will be three all saying essentially the same thing! So, one more time.... Pictures like this make you cry, but we have all been there. It is so frustrating to see an accident about to happen and there is nothing you can do about it. Jeff always had hair strategically placed to cover bruises, because he always managed to bump his head the day before school pictures! Grammie Lake
I sometimes have difficulties posting as well. It really was a tough week although she does look better now. The scabs came off and the bruise has faded. She is still going 100mph all the time though. We are excited to see you guys in two weeks. You won't believe how much she has grown and how many things she can do now. Hope you have a great weekend.
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