Abby Lee

Check back here periodically for updates and pictures of Abby and her proud parents.

Friday, January 20, 2006


Back in Business

Yes, I finally figured out the digital camera crisis and I have gotten my computer back from the computer Dr. Just so everyone knows my dilemma. I returned from a whirlwind trip up to Buffalo with Abby on Sunday the 8th. Abby did awesome until the last flight. Above is a picture of how happy Abby was before we got on the plane. She really was happy! And Sue was happy to finally meet her. Anyway.I flew from Buffalo to Detroit. No Problem. Upon arriving at Detroit Airport, I went to the TVs to find out that my next flight which departed in 40 minutes was leaving from Gate78, which would have been fine, except I flew into Gate 31. At a brisk walk I headed to Gate 78 hoping that I would have time to chill with Abby prior to boarding the plane. No such luck. As I arrived at Gate 78, the attendent was calling for all 1st Class Passengers and anyone with small children. That was us. So onto the plane we went. As we boarded the plane I knew it wasn't going to be good, seeing as the entire plane filled. At seat 24C I wasn't even the back row. With 30 rows and 6 seats accross, the entire plane was full. Abby did OK for the first 3 minutes. Then it was continious crying for the next hour and forty minutes. Great fun. Of course the plane was also filled with college students returning to school. Awesome. Finally we landed. Everyone was extremely happy with this. Except Abby, she was still crying. After taking 30 minutes to walk from the gate to the baggage claim I arrived at baggage claim at the beginning of the unloading. I kind of stood at the back so I wouldn't get any glaring looks from other passengers. I kept an eye out for my bag but it didn't come. And then I noticed all the others bags were gone and mine still hadn't arrived. At this time I started to get a little irritated. I emphasize a little because it had been a very long day. So the baggage never came. I went and found the lost baggage lady and filled out my paperwork. An hour and a half later I arrived at home. Completely exhausted and just wanting to go to bed. Until I found out that my computer had contracted some virus and so Jason had unhooked it not wanting to let it become infested anymore. Lets just say I got a little more irritated but couldn't do anything about it and so I went to bed. Normally not having a computer would just be an inconvienence but when you are supposed to take an online course it is down right a pain in the you know where...So a week and a half later and a bunch of money was spent, the computer came home, I figured out that I had lost my Canon disk that allows me to download digital camera pictures, but then I found a way around that, and here we are.As we stated in the last post Abby has gone through a spell of eye nastiness. She is doing much better now, thank you for all of the concerns in the past week. Unfortunately, I have caught one of the horrible colds going around and feel like crap. Abby luckily is still happy and growing quickly. Her newest discovery is that she has feet. She kicks things with them and pushes off with them. It is fun to see her kicking them in the air in amazement of what is attached to her. She is also more vocal and loves to talk to everyone. Additionally she loves to drool. People continue to ask us if she has started teething yet, or cutting teeth as it is sometimes called. I, personally am hoping that this is one developmental stage that she is behind in. Although the ladies in day care seem to think that she will be starting that phase soon. Yippee!

Abby is quickly becoming more independent. She is more willing to spend time by herself and entertain herself. Jason enjoys sticking her in the laundry. It does make for a cute picture. And a larger percentage of the laundry is her's. That is OK though. She is possibly the best dresssed almost 4 month old baby in day care. Mostly that is because she is the only 4 month old in day care but honestly she does have some really cute clothing. Thanks in large part from Becka, Kendra, and both grandmothers...Nice Job Ladies.

Loved the picture in the laundry.
It was all nice and warm as well as fluffy.
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